
Dear bloggers,

Thanks so much for all kinds of invitations! I am SO encouraged by your appreciation and words.

From now on, may I be excused for a while til the mid of May? 🙂

Yes, I’ll be an “Easter-bunny-bride!” And I feel VERY excited and a bit nervous too!!

Here shows my pre-wedding picture taken by my cell phone:

And this is my fiance! 🙂 We like this picture a lot and we use it as our wedding invitation card.

Just wanna give BIG thanks to our wonderful wedding photographer, Chung Li (my higher school friend as well, now residing in San Francisco).

See you all again after my honeymoon! Will post you more pictures sooner or later!

Have a HapPy EasTer! 🙂



While it’s only 5-8c in HK today, how about at Toronto’s Niagara Falls?

It was like this (-6c in the mid of DEC, driving on the way…):

Like this–a pretty rainbow with icicies :

And Like THIS–a “snoWoman”!

Dear bloggers,

I feel very impressed and humbled to receive many many many invitations these 2 months…

If just in case I haven’t got a chance to write you back at once,

I might overlook your emails (I did it couple times…sorry!), please write me again.

I’ll try my best to work out the schedule with you.

Writing me an email is the easiest and fastest way to reach me, instead of calling my office.

And to make it more efficient, please browse my “Schedule” first, and see if your proposed dates are available.

Can’t wait to see you all in the near future! 🙂